Since the launch of Spartacus PWA in 2019, SAP developers can leverage the astounding power of progressive web apps in stores based on SAP Commerce Cloud. Divante has been supporting them from day one.

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Spartacus PWA in a nutshell

Spartacus is a lean, Angular-based JavaScript storefront for SAP Commerce Cloud. It communicates exclusively through the Commerce REST API and is the ultimate gateway to ultra-fast Progressive Web Apps.

The Progressive Web App in Spartacus enables online stores based on SAP Commerce Cloud features.
It’s the right fit for the modern eCommerce landscape.

  • Improved performance

    Progressive Web Apps speeds up online pages, improving UX and conversion rates.

  • Mobile-first

    It leverages the native capacities of mobile devices, push notifications, home-screen access, and full-screen mode.

  • Works on all devices and platforms

    PWAs work on any browser, no matter the operating system or device.

5 reasons to use Spartacus PWA

Developers working with Spartacus PWA value the difference.

  • Extendable


    Spartacus is designed to be upgradeable while maintaining full extendability

  • Upgradable


    Spartacus code is published and used as libraries, following semantic versioning conventions.

  • Progressive


    Spartacus is compliant with the Progressive Web Application (PWA) checklist.

  • Open Source

    Open Source

    Spartacus is developed by the SAP community and SAP Commerce Cloud team.

  • Modern


    It uses the latest technology, like modern JS and a headless approach, to keep technical debt low.

Learn more about Spartacus and PWA:



A beginner’s guide to PWA

PWA solutions


What PWA solutions are available for eCommerce?

Spartacus PWA


All about Spartacus PWA

Discover stories from Spartacus developers!

Extended Spartacus Training

Divante, as a core contributor to Spartacus, organizes training for developers working with PWA and SAP Commerce Cloud.

Participants get to know Spartacus libraries, become proficient in creating storefronts for SAP Cloud Commerce, and get insights into architectural details. We cover everything from basic setup, configuration, styling, and simple enhancements to custom CMS Components, connecting different data sources, and using advanced features.

All developers who work with SAP Commerce Cloud can improve their capabilities with our Spartacus Extended Training:

  • Learn


    Get deep knowledge of the Spartacus framework and modern frontend architecture, including PWA, and headless architectures.

  • Code


    Create custom commerce frontends based on Spartacus libraries using best practices.

  • Deploy


    Write your own custom plugins/features and add them to the Github repository.

Spartacus Extended Training enables participants to get started with Spartacus storefront development and learn the best practices for extending Spartacus without breaking the upgradability.

Training details

  • MOS circle

    Duration: see below
    Group size: 6-20 people 
    Venue: your office / our office / remotely - you choose!
    Target audience: Developers, Consultants, Architects
    Price: Contact us via the form below

Sign up for Spartacus Extended Training!

Contact us

Why discover SAP Spartacus with Divante?

  • Core contributor

    Divante has developing Spartacus alongside SAP for a number of years.

  • eCommerce focus

    We have over a decade of experience developing eCommerce platforms and solutions.

  • Experienced in PWA

    We’ve developed other PWA solutions such as Vue Storefront and Shopware PWA.

Need support in your Spartacus implementation?

Divante has been developing Spartacus PWA since 2017. We can leverage our vast knowledge of the architecture and performance to support your PWA implementation process. Need to extend your team with SAP Spartacus experts? Thinking about migration from Accelerator to Spartacus? Reach out to our Spartacus team.

Contact us

We’re developing PWA with global leaders:

SAP Spartacus in the eye of Divante developers

Developing PWA for SAP Commerce Cloud


Developing PWA for SAP Commerce Cloud

Commerce Cloud


Divante to cooperate with SAP Commerce Cloud



Sparta-Town #2: Spartacus roadmap, technical updates, and video

Complementary products and services

Progressive Web Apps

Vue Storefront Development

Product Design

Microservices Architecture

Modern JS Development

Let's talk about how we can make your business thrive

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